Estate Sale: Boat/Jeep/Hunting/Fishing/Car Models/etc. by S&H
Dates & Times
The sale you are looking at occurred in the past.
This is the one you've all been waiting for!
Brand New Ranger RT188P 2022 NEVER been in the water! Look at all the extras!!!
2017 Jeep Cherakee 60,000+ Miles
We will be taking offers on the boat and the Jeep until 2 pm on Wednesday March 29. The highest offer (as long as it meets the family reserve) will be called and need to pick up the item by 4 pm on March 29 with Cash or a Cashiers Check. We will sell it to anyone who pays full asking price before the 2 pm mark.
See the pictures for all firearms: with a detailed list. WI is a person to person sale and we will be taking names/address and Driver's license number for gun buyers. ONLY 3-4 PEOPLE WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE GUN ROOM AT ONE TIME AND YOU WILL GET A SEPARATE NUMBER.
A ton of reloading equipment (Not pictured yet)
2 Beautiful Power Lift Chairs
Reclining Loveseat
Power Queen Size Bed
2 Acorn Stair Lift Chairs (7 Steps each)
Please see pictures and find us on FB for updates with pictures and videos before the sale. We contracted this sale late and they have to be out by the 31 of March, so we are still busy setting up and pricing this sale. We DO NOT GIVE OUT PRICES IN ADVANCE. PLEASE DON'T ASK.
Terms & Conditions
S&H Estate Sales & Service Rules:
PLEASE ABIDE BY PARKING Ordinances. Neighbors should NOT have to deal with you parking in front of their mailboxes or their DRIVEWAYS! Be Polite. You wouldn't want to NOT be able to get out of your driveway! The neighbors have been informed to call the police and give out tickets! Not a good day to think you're going to get a good deal from a sale, to then have to pay a parking fee.
If you don't feel good, we ask that you kindly refrain from coming to this sale. The safety of our customers and staff is our highest priority.
We will be abiding by our limited amount of people allowed in the house and garage at one time. (NO MORE THAN 20-30 AT A TIME). This is due to the size of the house and the amount of items in it. If you are waiting outside in line, we ask that you dress according to weather conditions. You may experience longer wait times (one person in = one person out, whether you came with another person or not). WE DO NOT DO LISTS!
Numbers will be available at 8 am (we open at 9 on Tuesday). We will also have numbers at 8 am on Wednesday. First come/first served. Please line up at the by the front door.
Please remember you are a guest in someone’s home. Please wipe your feet! No pets allowed (except for service animals). The old adage of “you break it, you buy it†will apply. Our staff is NOT able to lift/carry/haul your purchases, so PLEASE arrange for pick-up and help of whatever you plan on buying, especially large appliances and furniture. In fairness to all customers we will NOT give out price information in advance. The address will be published one day before the sale.
Terms and Conditions: Cash & Local Checks are accepted. A $30 charge will apply for NSF. Credit Cards will be accepted based on internet reception and a 3% fee will apply. (All Check transactions will require a signature & phone number.) Taxes are required to be collected at a 5.5% rate, per State law. S&H is Not Responsible for Accidents. All Items are Sold AS IS, NO REFUNDS/RETURNS/EXCHANGES. Please check your purchases thoroughly before buying. All Sales are FINAL. There will be a Limited Number of Pink Estate Sale signs located in the vicinity to direct you to this house.
Thank you for your understanding and patience. We are sorry for any inconvenience.